How do I read a document or download from Documents?

To navigate to the Documents section, left-click on Documents in the left-hand menu bar.

Documents on this website are generally in Adobe PDF format.  They may also be in one of several other formats, including Microsoft Word, a plain text file or an Image in JPEG or GIF format.

The documents list looks like the following. 

The subcategory above is HOA.  The title appears in a medium blue and the description is in black.  The logo to the right indicates this is a PDF file, which may be read with Acrobat Reader (available for free - click here). 

To simply read a file, left click on the document name. If you have the appropriate software installed, you should be able to view the document (see more below).

To download a file to your computer, right-click on the filename and a dropdown menu will appear, as follows:

On the dropdown menu, select "Save Target As..." A popup dialog window will appear.  Navigate to the folder/location on your computer where you want to save the file, then click "OK".

To view a PDF file, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is free - click here) installed on your computer.  After you have installed Acrobat Reader, you will be able to left-click on the document and read it (it will be downloaded temporarily to your computer and Reader will display it for you).

To read a Word document, with the filename extension ".doc", you must have either Microsoft Word installed or a compatible "reader" utility installed on your computer.

To view a text file, most operating systems come with software, such as Notepad, to read text files.

If all else fails, send a message with telephone number to webmaster@tanl.hoaspace.com and we may be able to help you.